Logitech may be the right choice for you if you are looking to buy a pair of gaming headphones.
There is no margin for error when it comes to competitive gaming. It is therefore crucial to choose the best option.
Logitech’s two top-selling products, the G933 or G935, are excellent. But you might be curious which one is better.
This is why I am here to help you choose the best option. Logitech G935 vs G933
Let’s not waste any more time, let us introduce these headsets.
Logitech G935 vs G933
Let me briefly introduce the headphones before we get to the comparison.
Logitech G935
The Logitech G933 Artemis Spectrum headphones are great for a wide range of situations.
It doesn’t matter if they use them for PC, console, or Smart Phone/Tablet gaming.
Their design is in many ways gaming headphones. Some people love their aggressive look but others might not.
But, I think their futuristic design is quite cool as a gamer.
They are also incredibly sounding.
Logitech G933
This headset is great for wireless gaming.
The G933 was a game-changer in gaming when it was first revealed. Logitech must know how to win gamers’ hearts.
They look very similar to the G935 at first glance. However, we will discuss this more in-depth later.
They are nevertheless attractive and comfortable, which will appeal greatly to a wide variety of players.
They are unique in appearance and sound quality.
Logitech G935 vs G933: A Comparison
They look almost identical to the naked eye, but it is time to dig deeper and compare how they relate to each other.
Explore Their Design
These are gaming headphones.
They will attract unwanted attention and I don’t recommend them being worn outside or at work.
Due to their gaming status, both are large and assertive.
Earcups are large and rectangular in shape. They will fit all ears, even large ones.
You’ll notice RGB lights at the logo and the back of your earcups after turning it on. Logitech Gaming Software allows you to configure the led lights.
Although they look almost identical, their headbands are slightly different. The G933 has a modern headband while the G935 uses a traditional one.
The main structure of the boom mic is made from plastic. It is buried within the earcup.
They are both made in a similar way and are quite sturdy. However, you shouldn’t put them through too much abuse.
Comfort will vary from person to person because people have different preferences and different head/ear size.
The G933’s breathable earpads are comfortable and breathable. They can also be removed, so they won’t cinch your head too much.
Ear cushions are made of foam materials, which will offer excellent comfort during long gaming sessions.
The G935 has a different cushioning.
For a more luxurious feeling, the earpads or headbands have leather coatings rather than mesh cloth.
This model’s headband can also be adjusted to fit larger headsets.
Both headphones are comfortable and I can’t pick a winner.
You may want to read:
10 Most Comfortable Earbuds With Mic
Which one has the best sound quality?
When it comes to sound quality, which is the most important department, things take a turn.
Both headphones sound great, and they are renowned brands. However, there are some differences in the features and setups.
The G935 has a built-in surround sound system with 7.1 volume that will immerse you in the game world. This is a great feature.
The G935 has larger 50mm drivers and a stable frequency response that emphasizes strong bass.
Because bass is useful in gaming, it allows you to hear blasting sounds in greater detail. It’s also great for EDM music.
On the other hand, the G933’s 40mm driver is acceptable but not outstanding. The sound surrounds sound but is not as detailed as it should be.
Although it is not as good as its counterpart, it still outperforms many other competitors on the market and should be considered.
You can still have fun with your games, track down your foes, or be alert for the explosions that are coming your way.
Both headphones sound great, but the G935 is the better option.
Quality Microphones
A microphone is another important aspect of gaming. You use it to make calls or interact with your teammates.
Because both headphones feature a mic with innovative noise-canceling functions, your teammates won’t hear your mom vacuuming and the barking of the dog.
I must give credit to the G935 for having a slightly better microphone.
We’ll be back on the topic of noise cancellation. None of these have ANC capabilities. However, they do have great passive noise cancellation.
The earpads fit perfectly so that ambient noise is minimal, which allows you to concentrate on gaming.
Logitech G935
Logitech Artemis Spectrum
Latest Price
Final words, conclusion
We are now at the end of this blog. I tried my best to keep things simple and to be clear.
We came to the conclusion that the headphones are almost identical in form and function, but the G935 is superior in sound quality and microphone quality.
No matter which headphones you choose, they will both provide a great gaming experience. However, if money is tight, I recommend the G935.
More Reading
Let’s look at some alternative headphones for truck drivers, and mountain riders, or learn about the disadvantages of bone-conduction headphones. The information is very simplified.
Sony has created some amazing headphones. There are many options, and you can find out which one is best by reading the Sony MDR V6 or MDR 7506 articles.

Hey there mobile audio lovers! My name is Darlene R, founder and chief editor at headphonesfans.com. Ask any mobile audio fanatic, installer, or company rep what makes a good car speaker, sub or amp, or, better yet, why he or she prefers a certain brand over another, and be prepared to endure a litany of opinions, viewpoints, and passion-fueled perspectives. To be honest, mobile audio shopping can be a daunting task without a guide, so I’ve assembled what I feel are the best products to consider to make things easier for you. Welcome headphonesfans.com!