Best White Noise Music For Studying:
Your upstairs neighbors sound like they’re rearranging the furniture and your roommate’s clipping her toenails across the room. How do you drown out sound to study? There’s always white noise, or just some good tunes with noise-cancelling headphones. For deep-focusing background music, I’m partial to ambient albums like Eno’s Music for Airports. What about you? What do you listen to when you’re trying to study or write? Let us know in the comments.
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Hey there mobile audio lovers! My name is Darlene R, founder and chief editor at Ask any mobile audio fanatic, installer, or company rep what makes a good car speaker, sub or amp, or, better yet, why he or she prefers a certain brand over another, and be prepared to endure a litany of opinions, viewpoints, and passion-fueled perspectives. To be honest, mobile audio shopping can be a daunting task without a guide, so I’ve assembled what I feel are the best products to consider to make things easier for you. Welcome!